

1 公式発表によりますと,本9日(日)、アブドッラー二世国王在位25周年記念(シルバー・ジュビリー)式典が執り行われるため、ヨルダン当局による大規模な交通規制及び車両使用の抑制が行われる予定です。
2 この交通規制により同日午後3時30分からしばらく(午後6時30分以降と想定されます。)の間、ハルダ・サークル(Khalda Circle)から第8サークル(8th Circle)までの間を中心としたキング・アブドッラー二世通り(King Abdullah2 Street)及びその周辺において、当局の許可を受けた車両以外の進入が禁止されます。また、一般車両に対しては迂回措置がとられる、周辺地域では交通渋滞が予想されますので、移動に際しては十分ご留意願います。

إدارة السير تعلن تفاصيل الخطة المرورية والإغلاقات والتحويلات التي سترافق فعاليات اليوبيل الفضّي يوم الأحد أعلنت إدارة السير تفاصيل الخطّة المرورية... | By ‎Jordan Public Security - مديرية الامن العام‎ | On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein Al-Mu'azim assuming his constitutional powers, a national event will be held on the 9th of June and the 24th of June in Amman near the Medical City and the King Hussein Business Complex. Some roads will be closed, either, or in part, on the Royal Parade course. Starting from three thirty in the afternoon to seven thirty in the evening. The road coming from the Baccalaureate sign towards Juma Al-Shalabi Street will be diverted to the first right towards Al-Bayt Street, then towards Badr El-Jadida. The road coming from Sawileh towards Medina Medical Roundabout will be diverted to the highest Khaleda Roundabout towards Wasef-Tal Street. And then to the right towards Mecca Street. The road coming from Wasef Al-Tal Street towards Al-Hijaz Street will be diverted from the Khaleda Bridge right towards King Abdullah II Street. The road coming from Saeed Khair Street will be diverted. Going down to the medical city roundabout. And that is by turning around and coming back from Saeed Khair roundabout towards Al-Shaab Street. The road in the direction of Medina Medical Roundabout will be diverted from Mohamed Al-Dahla Street to Al-Ayan Street. The traffic coming from Mecca Street to Al-Ayan Street will be diverted. The road coming to Al-Shaab Street will be diverted from Al-Kursi neighborhood to Al-Rasala Street and towards Al-Bayader. A person coming from Radi Enab Street will be diverted to Al-Safwa Street or Al-Tattaf Street and return to Al-Bayader Main Street. The road coming from the eighth round will be diverted to Zahran 7th Street and then Abdullah Ghushi Street. The road coming from Nahda side to Queen Zein Street will be diverted towards the seventh roundabout. The road coming from the 7th round towards the eighth round will be diverted to Princess Tharwat Street up to Mecca Street. All feeder sub-revenues for the parade route will be closed and diverted towards the marked runways. Medical City inspectors and emergency patients will be allowed to access the Medical City through the following routes. Mohamed Al-Duhli Street towards Medina Medical Roundabout. Hijaz Street towards Al-Shaab Street. Towards Saeed Khair street. To the north gate of the medical city. In order to be able to participate in the national event, dedicated squares have been provided for lining up and gathering, namely Kalati, behind the gas station, the eighth round, the square of the beginning of the West Amman Court, the eighth floor, the square opposite to the International Tazkia Academy, the square opposite of the Royal Car Club, the square of City Mall, the Southern Gate, King Abdullah II Street, the square of Maaraf Khalda Schools, the adjacent Square For Habiba Sweets, located behind the specifications and measures, next to the Sharifa Fatima Bint Nasser Mosque, after the Bahaus signal towards Khalda, the square adjacent to the Sawileh Electric Company, after the Civil Defense signal towards the Bahaus. The square located next to Karim Hypermarket, King Abdullah II Street, before the Suileh Industry sign. May the country and its leader be blessed every year.
إدارة السير تعلن تفاصيل الخطة المرورية والإغلاقات والتحويلات التي سترافق فعاليات اليوبيل الفضّي يوم الأحد أعلنت إدارة ال...

